Alkukierrosten perusteella 30 parasta pilottia jatkoivat taistelua semifinaaleissa. Jokainen semifinalisti lensi kaksi F-05 ohjelmaa kummallekin tuomaripaneelille. Lentojen perusteella 10 parasta pääsee finaaliin. Kuvaaja Juho Karppinen.
Sade keskeytti aamupäivän lennot kun noin kolmannes lennoista oli lennetty. Kun sade loppui iltapäivän alussa oli kello jo liian myöhäistä lentää aamupäivän lennot loppuun. Näin loput lennoista jäivät keskiviikkoon. Juho Karppinen kuvia.
Tulokset kauden viimeisestä kisasta Jämiltä. Kisassa lennettiin vain kolme kierrosta koska sunnuntaina sateen vuoksi ei päästy lennättämään neljättä kierrosta. Kisassa ei myöskään ole SM-arvoa koska osaanottajia oli alle 7. Raimo Sällisen kuvia.
Suomalaisia oli mukana ruotsinmestaruuskisoissa Norsjössä: Raimo Ruokonen (nordic), Kimmo Kaukoranta (FAI), Esa Eirola tuomarina sekä lisäksi kannustusjoukot. Lisätietoa kilpailustaä. Esa Eirolan kuvia.
Tulokset kauden 2004 toisesta kisasta Oulusta. Esa Eirolan kuvia tapahtumasta.
Tulokset kauden 2004 ensimmäisestä kisasta Turusta 5.-6.6. Alla Antti Aho-Mantilan kuvia tapahtumasta ja lisää lennokit.netissä sekä Raimo Ruokosen kotisivuilla.
Tulokset viimeisestä Cup-osakilpailusta Jämiltä sekä Raimo Sällisen kuvia Midas 90 lennokista.
Jatka lukemista ’F3A Cup 4/4 2003, Jämi’
Cloud base did not lift properly and we saw mostly just showflying today.
F3A-FAI 4th preliminary or finals could not be flown, so end results are based on 3 preliminary rounds. According to them, OLA FREMMING IS NOW FIVE TIMES NORDIC CHAMPION!!! Congratulations on the behalf of organisers!
After Fremming, there were two swedes; Bernt Olsson and Anders Johansson. Swedish Teamwork was so good, that they secured the best position among teams by good margin. Well done!
There were two short speeches in prizegiving ceremony held by CD Erkki Haapanen and flightline director Erkko Saviaro. Prizes were hand out and Championships were declared over. What was remaining still was some show flying. Fremming gave marvellous demonstration of smooth precision and control, flying rolling circles with one roll, hammerhead loops and 360 inverted circles with his Synergy. Other show flyers were electrics: 3D- Diablotin, Electric F3A-Midas, indoor bibe and a couple of fast gliders.
Meals at the Jämi Motel and off we go heading home to different directions. Safe journey to all and see you again, flying pattern!
F3A NC 2003 Organisers
Thursday evening looked certainly promising. Sky cleared up almost the same time as day´s last competition flight was flown. There was even some delightful looking slope gliding action among the F3A-pros flying Zagis and HLGs.Well it was not to be though, as frontal system made morning weather to look almost the same as Thrusday morning. Bad weather unexpectancies most certainly belong to aviation! So basically, if it rains, then you´ll do it in the rain!
Day 2 was opened up by a round of F3A-Nordic. This class is our Scandinavian version meant to lower the difficulty levels somewhat with new pilots in mind. Nordic maneuvers are decided every second year during Nordic Championships, and it happened to be Friday evening here in Jämijärvi that the Nordic routine for the next two years was decided. F3A-FAI gets harder and harder every year, so Nordic might be doing the same…
Material side of the things manifested itself today in form of a few zeros in the scoreboard. There was an inflight engine stoppage and three technical problems in the readybox. High workload associated with retractable landing gear systems is well known to all, and it did claim one of the cancellations today, another one being engine vibration mount failure.
Speaking of retracts, about half of the competitors still used them. With today´s high-powered engines and even decidedly large-diameter, drag-inducing fuselages the need for retracts it not so obvious anymore. But still, they are used so they probably fit to the flying styles of several people.
During yesterdays registration, details of all models were written down, and thus we can offer you a full listing of equipment used by each team, which surely is of interest to everyone. Some statistical analysis will show where we are heading in this class.
Results after Day 2: Fremming leads the way in FAI (did anybody expect anything less?) and Urban Forslöf (SWE) in Nordic. Norwegian team is very strong in Nordic, whereas Swedes have the best team effort in FAI.