Sweden Dominates the Nordic Championships

Finalists.Nordic Championships in Norsjö, northern Sweden, were dominated by Swedish pilots. FAI class was won by David Lundströn. Long-term champion Ola Fremming finished second and Bernt Olson followed in third position.

The competition wasn’t so victorious for Finnish team. Our best pilot Tuomas Tanska finished 9th. Kimmo Kaukoranta was placed 13th, Jani Loikkanen 18th and Erkko Saviaro 21th.
FAI-alkukierrosten tuloksetFAI finaalin tulokset

Best pilots in Nordic class were Anders Forsberg, Johan Brosson, Johan Broström and Inge Norberg. Finnish positions were Timo Huhtamäki 10th, Raimo Ruokonen 13th and Jooel Kalmari 14th.
Sweden won the both FAI and Nordic team competitions, Norway was second, Denmark third and Finland fourth.

Suomen joukkue Team Finland

Norjan joukkue Team Norway

Tanskan joukkue Team Denmark

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