F3A World Championships in Argentina

F3A World Championships are underway in Argentina! Unfortunately Finland does not have a team there this time, but You can follow the contest at the following sites:

Official site of the organizers

Videos in the Big Events Gallery at FlyingGiants.com (see the ones posted by Kiwi)

Dave Reaville’s blog

Dezso Vaghy’s blog

Chad Northeast’s blog

Photos from the spanish team

World F3A Finals, kinda windyFlyingGiants.com

Game On, World F3A ArgentinaFlyingGiants.com

Santa Fe, Argentina Team Hong KongRC Universe.com

2007 F3A World ChampionshipsRC Universe.com

25th F3A World Championships ReportsFlyingGiants.com

Argentina WC ’07Flying Giants.com

To everyone on site in Argentina, good luck for the competition, have fun and thanks for keeping us informed!

11.11 Preliminaries, round 1
12.11 Preliminaries, round 2
13.11 Preliminaries, round 3
14.11 Preliminaries, round 4
15.11 Rain day / day off
16.11 Semifinals
17.11 Finals

Unknown programs for the finals

Unknown 1

Unknown 2


Final results

Results of the semifinals

Results of the preliminaries

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