The fouth and last competition of the F3A season 2013 was flown in Hämeenkyrö airfield on august 31st – september 1st. Saturday had nice but windy weather, but sunday we had a low clouds and some rain.
The fouth and last competition of the F3A season 2013 was flown in Hämeenkyrö airfield on august 31st – september 1st. Saturday had nice but windy weather, but sunday we had a low clouds and some rain.
Lassi Nurila has placed 11th at the F3A World Championships in South-Africa. His placing is the highest achieved by a Finish pilot in the history of the sport since the first world championships in 1960. Lassi is also 7 time Finnish champion and 2 time Nordic champion.
Continue reading ‘Lassi Nurila 11th at the F3A World Championships in South-Africa!’
Results for the season 2012.
Fourth and last contest of season 2013 will be held in Hämeenkyrö airport on August 31st-September 1st, 2013. Classes F3A FAI, Nordic and Sport. More info later.
Third contest of season 2013 will be held in Ruotsinpyhtää model flying field on July 20th-21st, 2013. Classes F3A FAI, Nordic and Sport. More info later.
Second contest of season 2013 will be held in Paattinen model airfield in Turku on June 15th-16th, 2013. Classes F3A FAI, Nordic and Sport. More info later.
First contest of season 2013 will be held in Piikajärvi airport in Kokemäki on May 18th-19th, 2013. Classes F3A FAI, Nordic and Sport. More info later.
The first world championships for aerobatic indoor model aircraft, class F3P, will be organized in Coburg, Germany on February 2nd-9th, 2013. Finland intends to participate with a full team of 3 pilots.
F3A Nordic Championships will be organized in Maarud Norway on June 24.-30.2013
An indoor flying even will take place in Säästöpankki-arena in Hämeenlinna on November 3rd 2012. Included is indoor aerobatic competition in classes F3P Sport and Aeromusicals. Continue reading ‘HML Flyindoor 2012’
The traditional InScale happening will take place in Pietarsaari on 27th of October 2012. Included is a indoor aerobatic competition in classed F3P Sport, Advanced and FAI.
World Championship will be held in South-Africa. Finland intends to participate with a full team.
Finnish Open F3P Championships will be oraganised in Iittala on 18th February in 2012. The classes flown: FAI, Advanced, Sport and Freestyle. The contest is open for all foreign pilots and we would be very happy to see you coming here!
The event starts at 8.00 with free practice and the hall is reserved till 22.00. FAI class will follow FAI’s rules including 4 preliminary rounds and 3 final rounds. In other classes there will be 3 rounds. The FAI sequences are the official FAI AP13 and AF13. Advanced and sport sequences can be found via the links on the right side bar.
The hall is a school gym with 25m x 45m area and the height of the ceiling is 10-12m. The hall is excellent for indoor flying, no disturbing air ventilation or dazzling lights.
Iittala is located 120km (1,5 hour trip by car) north of Helsinki. Address: Hollaajantie 2, 14500 Iittala, Finland.
By flying you can arrive at Helsinki airport. To Helsinki and Turku (150km from Iittala) there are also good ship connections from Sweden, Estonia, Poland and Germany. The distance to Iittala from Vaalimaa border crossing (from Russia) is 250km.
We will arrange accommodation for contestants arriving from foreign countries. More information via email.
Participation costs:
– FAI 35€
– Advanced 30€
– Sport 25€
– Freestyle 10€
Finnish F3P Championships 2011 in Iittala last spring:
ideo F3P AM, Janne Lappi, Finnish F3P Championships 2011
Video FAI AF-11, Janne Lappi, Finnish F3P Championships 2011
Video FAI AP-11, Ilmari Rönkä, Finnish F3P Championships 2011
Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any questions concerning the event and practical issues: janne.lappi [email: janne.lappi #AT# ]
Registrations can be done via email.
F3A Team Finland
F3P-AFM Aeromusicals class has been awarded status of Finnish Championships. The first winner will be selected in the next competition in Iittala in addition to the FAI class which already has Championships status.
This also means that competitors must have valid sporting licence. However, F3P Sport and Advanced still continue as Finnish Cup -series so you can still participate without licence in these classes.
F3A-FAI SM 2011
Sijoitus | Nimi | Ruotsinpyhtää | Turku | Oulu | 2 parasta |
1 | Lassi Nurila | 3000 | 3000 | 3000 | 6000 |
2 | Kimmo Kaukoranta | 2682.33 | 2649.96 | 2647.23 | 5332.29 |
3 | Antti Aho-Mantila | 2384.97 | 2501.73 | 2591.76 | 5093.49 |
4 | Jani Loikkanen | 0 | 2282.64 | 2158.23 | 4440.87 |
5 | Seppo Pekkala | 1887.45 | 1551.58 | 1404.62 | 3439.03 |
6 | Iiro Lehto | 1570.52 | 1461.04 | 3031.56 |
7 | Janne Lappi | 1521.2 | 1472.52 | 2993.72 |
8 | Matti Taskinen | 1436.02 | 1423.86 | 1393.32 | 2859.88 |
9 | Sami Herpiö | 1303.18 | 1303.18 |
F3A-Nordic Finnish CUP 2011
Sijoitus | Nimi | Ruotsinpyhtää | Turku | Oulu | Hämeenkyrö | 3 parasta |
1 | Janne Lappi | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 981.15 | 3000 |
2 | Iiro Lehto | 951.95 | 988.48 | 948.54 | 1000 | 2940.43 |
3 | Teemu Niemi | 971.77 | 966.73 | 947.62 | 2886.12 |
4 | Ilmari Rönkä | 784.19 | 843.9 | 758.4 | 853.13 | 2481.22 |
5 | Jukka Ellonen | 822.97 | 821 | 831.19 | 2475.16 |
6 | Jukka Peltonen | 752.31 | 787.29 | 764.76 | 761.85 | 2313.9 |
7 | Seppo Pekkala | 917.82 | 917.82 |
8 | Raimo Ruokonen | 857.75 | 857.75 |
9 | Mika Ala-Korpi | 821.94 | 0 | 0 | 821.94 |
10 | Tarmo Greenbaum | 812.07 | 812.07 |
11 | Pertti Jyräkoski | 719.34 | 719.34 |
12 | Lauri Pitkäjärvi | 0 | 695.78 | 695.78 |
13 | Jouni Hirvenkivi | 489.9 | 489.9 |
14 | Marek Tamme | 0 | 0 |
15 | Kimmo Huoviala | 0 | 0 |
F3A-Sport Finnish CUP 2011
Sijoitus | Nimi | Turku | Oulu | Yhteensä |
1 | Reima Salmivaara | 1000 | 1000 |
2 | Jouni Hirvenkivi | 1000 | 1000 |
3 | Jarmo Hellevaara | 844.75 | 844.75 |
F3A-FAI P13 Hämeenkyrö
Nro | Nimi | Kierros 1(N) | Kierros 2(N) | Kierros 3(N) | Kierros 4(N) | 3 parasta | Norm. |
1 | Lassi Nurila | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 3000 | 1000 |
2 | Antti Aho-Mantila | 819.29 | 884.33 | 738.58 | 876.78 | 2580.4 | 860.13 |
3 | Kimmo Kaukoranta | 763.59 | 829.86 | 848.12 | 843.6 | 2521.58 | 840.53 |
4 | Jani Loikkanen | 784.65 | 823.13 | 856.18 | 828.03 | 2507.34 | 835.78 |
5 | Janne Lappi | 733.02 | 731.67 | 823.25 | 788.08 | 2344.35 | 781.45 |
6 | Seppo Pekkala | 608.7 | 626.09 | 653.9 | 677.05 | 1957.04 | 652.35 |
No competitions this year since the space used for indoor flying is different and smaller. However we will probably arrange some show flying there.