Lassi Nurila reaches the finals at the F3A World Championships in Switzerland

Lassi Nurila has reached the finals and 8th place at the F3A World Championship in Duebendor, Switzerland. He is also the first Finnish pilot to ever reach the worlds top 10 in the long history of the championships dating back to 1960.

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F3A Finnish Cup 3/4 2015 Ruotsinpyhtää

The third competition of 2015 was held in Ruotsinpyhtää model airfield near Loviisa.

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Lassi Nurila three times Nordic Champion

The F3A Nordic championship 2015 was held in Karlstad, Sweden.

Lassi Nurila secured his third Nordic Champion -tittle after winning each round in both the preliminaries and the finals. Ola Fremming (NOR) second, Kjell-Tore Pettersen (NOR) third.

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Spring opening in Piikajärvi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Finnish.

Date for the F3A Nordic championship

Place and date for the Nordic championship in Sweden is finally out. The NC will take place in Karlstad on July 7.-11th 2015.

Finland wins both individual and team silver at the world championships for indoor aerobatics

Continue reading ‘Finland wins both individual and team silver at the world championships for indoor aerobatics’

Competition dates for 2015

Competition dates:

  • Hämeenkyrö 23.-24.5.2015
  • Paattinen 13.-14.6.2015
  • Ruotsinpyhtää 18.-19.7.2015
  • Kälviä 22.-23.8.2015

F3P Open Finnish Championship 2015

The open Finnish championship for F3P indoor aerobatics will be organized in Iittala-Halli on saturday, February 28th 2015.

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Lassi Nurila wins the F3A World Cup 2014

Lassi Nurila from Finland has won the F3A World Cup 2014! Participating in 4 world cup contests in Belgium, UK, Germany and Italy he took 2x 1st place, one 3rd place and one 4th place finish. The world cup consisted of 14 competitions with a total of 198 pilots participating.

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F3A World Championship 2015

The world championship for radio-controlled model aerobatics will be organized in Switzerland on August 6.-16th, 2015

Finnish team successful at the F3A European Championships 2014

The Finnish national team for RC-aerobatics has been successful at the F3A European Championships in Liechtenstein. Several times Finnish and Nordic Champion Lassi Nurila made history by being the first Finnish pilot ever to reach the European championship finals. After the two knowns and two unknown schedules, Lassi’s final placing was 7th.

Continue reading ‘Finnish team successful at the F3A European Championships 2014’

World championship for F3P indoor aerobatics 2015

The second F3P world championships will be organized in Poland:

F3P Open Lithuanian Championship 2014

F3P Open Lithuanian Championship was organized in Utena on March 15th-16th, 2014. The Finnish team consisted of 4 pilots Janne Lappi, Iiro Lehto and Risto Hölttä. Esa Eirola was serving as a judge. Pertti Lehto and Risto Lappi were supporting the team.

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Results of the F3P Open Finnish Championships 2014

The open Finnish championships for indoor aerobatics was flown in Iittala-hall on March 8th, 2014. This years event was the biggest so far, with 25 competitors representing 6 nations; Belarus, France, Lithuania, Russia, Sweden and of course, Finland.

The winner of the open international competition in both F3P FAI and F3P-AFM is Donatas Pauzuolis from Lithuania. Second place in both classes for the Finnish champion Janne Lappi. Third place in F3P FAI Nicolas Pietu, France and in F3P-AFM Fabien Turpaud, France. Felix Scander from Sweden was awarded the best junior. Congratulations to all!

Continue reading ‘Results of the F3P Open Finnish Championships 2014’

Second place in the team ranking for team Finland in Paris!

International Indoor Tournament of Paris was organized for the 5th time in February 21st-23rd, 2014. Team Finland consisted of three pilots; Janne Lappi, Iiro Lehto and Kimmo Kaukoranta. Esa Eirola was invited as one of the judges. Placings Janne 6th, Iiro 12th and Kimmo 26th. In the team ranking Finland achieved second place, right after the host country France, third place for Germany. Janne also placed 5th in the aeromusicals.

Official site of the competition:


Competition dates for 2014

First competition will be held in Piikajärvi airfield.

Invitation: PDF

Instructions on moving in the site: PDF

F3A European Championship 2013, Liechtenstein

F3A Europeanchampionships will be organized in Liechtenstein July 11th trough July 19th, 2014:

HML FlyIndoor 2013 – F3P Sport and Advanced SC 2/2014

F3P Sport and Advanced Finnish Cup 2/2014 saturday november 2nd, time 10-17

Plane: Säästöpankkiareena, Hämeenlinna (HML Flyindoor 2013 -event)
  • F3P Sport and Advanced competition SC 2/2014
  • F3P FAI new schedules AP-15 ja AF-15 practice
  • F3P-AFM aeromusicals show

More info: Kimmo Kaukoranta, [email: kimmo.kaukoranta #AT# ], 050 301 8896


InScale 2013 – F3P Sport and Advanced SC 1/2014

F3P Sport and Advanced Finnish Cup 1/2014 saturday october 26th, time 10-17

Place: Tellushalli, Pietarsaari (InSkaala 2013 -event)
  • F3P Sport and Advanced competition SC 1/2014
  • F3P FAI new schedules AP-15 ja AF-15 practice
More info: Erkko Saviaro, 0505812592

Some articles added

Added some articles (in Finnish) to the site. Reports from F3A and F3P world championships 2013, more to be added later.

F3A Team Finland is an association to promote precision aerobatics (F3A) in Finland.