EC 2006 – Finals

10 best pilots continued their fight for the title of European Champion. The day consisted of two F07 final programs and two unknown schedules.

Final results:

  1. Christophe Paysant-Le Roux (FRA)
  2. Roland Matt (LIE)
  3. Sebastiano Silvestri (ITA)
  4. Gerhard Mayr (AUT)
  5. Wolfgang Matt (LIE)
  6. Benoît Paysant-Le Roux (FRA)
  7. Bernhard Schaden (SUI)
  8. Marc Rubin (SUI)
  9. Markus Zeiner (AUT)
  10. Helmut Danksagmueller (AUT)

The banquet was held at 1900 meters altitude at Mount Stanserhorn. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Semifinals

19 best pilots out of 59 competitors took part in semifinal rounds. Two F07 programs were flown and based on the results 10 pilots are going into finals.

Participants in order of preliminary results and their equipment:

  1. MATT Roland LIE – Beryll + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  2. PAYSANT-LE ROUX Christophe FRA – Oxalys + YS170DZ
  3. SILVESTRI Sebastiano ITA – Angel S + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  4. PAYSANT-LE ROUX Benoît FRA – Oxalys + YS170DZ
  5. CARRIER Stéphane FRA – Oxalys + YS170DZ
  6. MATT Wolfgang LIE – Beryll + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  7. ZEINER Markus AUT – Impression – YS160DZ
  8. DANKSAGMUELLER Helmut AUT – Pinnacle + YS160DZ
  9. WISSINGER Markus GER – Own design/manufacturing “Dream Theater II” + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  10. MAYR Gerhard AUT – Own design/manufacturing “Daggrom” + YS160DZ
  11. RUBIN Marc SUI – Onyx + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  12. BRESCI Andrea ITA- Impression + YS160DZ
  13. SCHADEN Bernhard SUI – Twister + YS170DZ
  14. LAMMEL Christian GER – Impression + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  15. PRAT Isaac ESP – Angel’s Shadow E + Hacker C50 15XL
  16. FREMMING Ola NOR – Oxalys + OS140RX-EFI
  17. GRASSELLI Andrea ITA – Impact + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  18. ULSAMER Günther GER – Excalibur + Hacker C50 XL Comp
  19. MARQUET Philippe BEL – Beryll + Hacker C50 XL Comp

The day was dramatical. Stephane Carrier from France lost both of his Oxalys planes because of radio interference problems. His planes went into fail-safe mode on both of his semifinal flights and crashed uncontrolled into ground. Very sad incident because he flew very well and would have definitely managed to go into finals.

In addition to F3A flying, there were nice show flights during the lunch brake. The show included a jet with turbine motor, gliders with 6m wingspan starting both with electric motors and aerotowing, and 3m Katana-s with 4 electric motors plus huge pack of lipos. In addition we saw a depron plane which can fly both forward and backward. Photos by Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Fourth Round

The fourth and the last preliminary round. The weather was much better but very cold. Even some snow had been raining on top of near mountains creating true Alpine landscape.

Our day started early since Lassi’s turn was third and the round started at 7.00am. It was dark when we started assemblying planes on the airfield. But the sunrise looked great with white mountains on the background. Photographer Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Third Raining Day

The third competition day with bad weather. Pictures taken by Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Second Raining Day

The second competition day was again rainy.

After yesterdays humidity Lassi’s plane was out of trim and made his flying difficult. Even it was raining hard during the evening, we went to a practise site to make some trimming flights. Pictures taken by Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Day 1

The first competition day was flown on Sunday in rainy conditions. It was raining practically the whole day but clouds were high and didn’t cause much troubles for competition. The day was completed almost in schedule but everything was soaking wet and the field had turned into mud. The weather forecast doesn’t expect better conditions until Thursday. Photographer was Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Official Practise Day

Official practise took place on Saturday and we were able to get used to the contest site. Mountains behind the airfield offered interesting experience for pilots not used to such landscape. However, flying in front of mountains was easier than we first expected.

The sun was shining almost the whole day but it started raining just before the last flights. After a small delay flying could be continued and opening ceremony started almost on time. Photos were taken by Juho Karppinen.

EC 2006 – Practising

Some pictures from the contest site and practise field at Chum. Pictures taken by Juho Karppinen.

Results from F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2006, Hämeenkyrö

Results from the third competition from Hämeenkyrö. FAI competition included both preliminaries and finals.

Continue reading ‘Results from F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2006, Hämeenkyrö’

Results from F3A Sport Cup 3/5 2006, Seinäjoki

Results from Sport-cup competition held in Seinäjoki.

Sport Cup 3/5 Kierros 1 Kierros 2 Kierros 3 Yhteensä 2/3
1. Juha reinikka 1,000 1,000 958 2,000
2. Jooel Kalmari 986 993 1,000 1,993
3. Teemu Niemi 958 700 830 1,788
4. Olli Karhunen 806 891 891 1,782
5. Tommi Loukola 756 826 731 1,582
6. Petri Järvimies 894 304 676 1,570
7. Matti Karhunen 597 778 779 1,557

Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 4/4 2006, Kokkola

The last competition of season 2006 is organized at Kruunupyy airfield (Kokkola) on September 16-17. The bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 4/4 2006, Kokkola’

Results from F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2006, Oulu

Results from the second competition from Oulu. FAI competition included both preliminaries and finals.

Continue reading ‘Results from F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2006, Oulu’

Results from SM/Cup 1/4 2006, Turku

Results from the first competition of the year 2006 held in Turku May 20-21. Some story and pictures in

Continue reading ‘Results from SM/Cup 1/4 2006, Turku’

Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2006, Hämeenkyrö

Bulletin for the third championship competition in Hämeenkyro. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2006, Hämeenkyrö’

Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2006, Oulu

The seconds championship competition is held in Oulu on July 1-2. The complete version of the bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2006, Oulu’

Model-Expo FreeStyle Challenge 2006

Aeromusical Cup competition was organised as part of Model-Expo exhibition.

F3P-AM Cup 1/2 Model-Expo Kierros 1 Kierros 2 Kierros 3 Yhteensä 2/3
1. Kimmo Kaukoranta 944 1,000 1,000 2,000
2. Jooel Kalmari 1,000 820 899 1,899
3. Markus Aaltonen 876 839 895 1,770
4. Topi Korhonen 803 752 794 1,597
5. Pasi Kärppä 716 811 749 1,560
6. Jouni Erola 667 673 648 1,339

Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 1/4 2006, Turku

Bulletin for the first championship competition in Turku on May 20-21. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 1/4 2006, Turku’

OtaScale 2006

F3P Sport and Advanced competitions were organised as part of OtaScale event in Otahalli, Espoo.

F3P-Advanced Kierros 1 Kierros 2 Kierros 3 Yhteensä 2/3
1. Kimmo Kaukoranta 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000
2. Jooel Kalmari 827 761 784 1,611
3. Vesa Murtovaara 709 621 817 1,526
4. Erkko Saviaro 397 757 736 1,494

F3P-Sport Kierros 1 Kierros 2 Yhteensä 2/2
1. Sami Nevalainen 1,000 1,000 2,000
2. Raimo Ruokonen 838 1,000 1,838
3. Simo Sihvo 829 881 1,710
4. Eino Korhonen 910 762 1,672
5. Juhana Suhonen 545 752 1,298
6. Cormac Walsh   911 911

Bulletin, F3P-AM Aeromusicals Suomen Cup 2006, Helsinki


Aeromusical competition in Helsinki. More information in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3P-AM Aeromusicals Suomen Cup 2006, Helsinki’

Results for Season 2005

There were four Finnish Champion and Cup competitions in the season 2005. One extra Sport competition was organised in Seinäjoki. In addition to Finnish competitions, we participated in World Championships in France.

FAI SM Turku Kokkola Hämeenkyrö Jämi Yhteensä 3/4
1. Tuomas Tanska 674 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2. Lassi Nurila 985 962 961 996 2,943
3. Jens Poikelin 1,000 950 942   2,892
4. Kimmo Kaukoranta 893 910 899 918 2,727
5. Jani Loikkanen 870 828 876 894 2,640
6. Antti Aho-Mantila 687 723   769 2,179
7. Ari Syrjä 631   616 664 1,911
8. Markus Aaltonen 999   899   1,898
9. Erkko Saviaro   693   779 1,472
10. Jussi Kettunen       738 738

Nordic Cup Turku Kokkola Hämeenkyrö Jämi Yhteensä 3/4
1. Antti Aho-Mantila 1,000 1,000 1,000   3,000
2. Timo Huhtamäki 802 849 960 1,000 2,809
3. Pentti Jalo 819 780 973 998 2,790
4. Jari Lähetkangas   711 793 906 2,410
5. Iiro Nikkilä 772   556   1,328
6. Kimmo Kärkinen   534 675   1,209
7. Raimo Ruokonen     871   871
8. Kai Korpelainen 837       837

Sport Cup Turku Kokkola Hämeenkyrö Jämi Yhteensä 3/4
1. Jari Lähetkangas   1,000 987 929 2,916
2. Jarmo Hellevaara 1,000   658 831 2,489
3. Juhani Lauri     1,000 1,000 2,000
4. Ari-Pekka Puputti     893 904 1,797
5. Teemu Niemi   691   762 1,453
6. Janne Seppänen     953   953
7. Pasi Kärppä     838   838
8. Anssi Aunola     837   837
9. Tanu Toikka     574   574

F3A Team Finland is an association to promote precision aerobatics (F3A) in Finland.