New F3P FAI Indoor Schedules for 2008-2009

New F3P (FAI) Schedules from 2009

F3P-AP Preliminary shedule: PDF

F3P-AF Finals shedule: PDF

NOTE! There are no changes in national F3P Sport and F3P Advanced classes

Results of season 2008 after two competitions

Temporary results of the Finnish Championship series after two competitions and one more to go:

Continue reading ‘Results of season 2008 after two competitions’

F3A SM 2/3 2008 Oulu

The second Finnish Championship competition was held in Oulu. Classes, timetable etc. are available in the finnish bulletin.

Continue reading ‘F3A SM 2/3 2008 Oulu’

F3A European Championships 2008

The 14th European Championships in F3A Radio-controlled aerobatics are organized in Calcinatello di Calcinato, Italy 23.-31.8.2008. Aeromodelling site called ”Casa Bianca” is located  7  km away from the shore of the beautiful Garda lake, 5 km west of the city of Brescia.

Bulletin 3 PDF

Bulletin 1 PDF

Bulletin 0 PDF

F3A Training Camp in Turku

A F3A training event was held in Turku.
Continue reading ‘F3A Training Camp in Turku’

F3A SM 1/3 2008 Kuopio

Kuopion lennokkikerho organised the first F3A Finnish Championship competition of the season 2008 in Kuopio.

The Kuopio club was arranging F3A competition for the first time, but this was hard to notice as the organisation worked like a swiss watch. The competition was propably the biggest national F3A event ever arranged in Finland. There were altogether 24 competitors flying during the weekend. Competition was held on Saturday in mild wind, but the wind got stronger on Sunday. Results below.

Continue reading ‘F3A SM 1/3 2008 Kuopio’

Spring training camp in Viljandi Estonia 9.-11.5.2008

Spring training camp in Viljandi Estonia was held on 9.-11.5.2008

More detailed information about the training camp will be published on the following site:

Mudeli Pood

Previous year training camp report and pictures:
Viljandi Spring 2007

Results from Model Expo 2008

F3A team Finland took part last weekend to the Model Expo 2008 exhibition in Helsinki fair center. The team showed equipment and information on their stand.

The team arranged F3P competiton in four classes: F3P Sport, Advanced and FAI as well as AeroMusicals.

Continue reading ‘Results from Model Expo 2008’

DM2008 Videos

Links to videos from the 2008 German Indoor Aerobatics Championships.

Continue reading ‘DM2008 Videos’

InSkaala 2008 – F3P Sport, Advanced, FAI

Date for InSkaala 2008 indoor flying event has been confirmed, it will be 22.11.2008. The place is Tellushalli in Pietarsaari. In this event indoor aerobatics will be flown in classes F3P Sport, Advanced and the new F3P-A schedule (the Dutch schedule).

New manouvre description for Nordic N-09 added

Manouvre description for Nordic N-09 is now added. The description can be found here:
N-09 manouvre descriptions

Link to the manouvre description is added to the Nordic schedule page:

Nordic N-09

Indoor Aerobatic German Championships 2008

The Finish team is for the second time going to take part in the F3P German Indoor Aerobatic Championships. The team will be atteding the second qualification on March 1.-2.2008 in Poing, near Munich . The team consists of three pilots Pasi Kärppä, Jooel Kalmari and Kimmo Kaukoranta. The support crew is Kimmo Lehtonen and Jani Sipponen

Home page of the organizing club:

Material used in the F3A course in Kuopio

Sorry, this entry is only available in Finnish.

F3A World Championships in Argentina

F3A World Championships are underway in Argentina! Unfortunately Finland does not have a team there this time, but You can follow the contest at the following sites:

Continue reading ‘F3A World Championships in Argentina’

Prize Giving of Finnish Championships

Finnish Championship and Cup prize giving in Kuopio.

Continue reading ‘Prize Giving of Finnish Championships’

KuopioFlyInDoor 2007

Indoor flying event in Kuopio was a success. There was 14 comptetitors in F3P Sport class and 5 in Aeromusicals. Also the training event had 15 participants.


Continue reading ‘KuopioFlyInDoor 2007’

Finnish Cup 2007 Indoor Results

Final results of the indoor Finnish Cup 2007 after the last competition in Pietarsaari.

Continue reading ‘Finnish Cup 2007 Indoor Results’

Results and pictures from Pietarsaari InSkaala F3P-pattern competitions

Last weekend an indoor happening “InSkaala” was held in Pietarsaari. Pattern competitions were held in three classes with the following results:

F3P Sport: 1. Jarkko Hyttinen 2. Raimo Ruokonen 3. Iiro Lehto

F3P Advanced: 1. Pasi Kärppä 2. Juhani Lauri 3. Jooel Kalmari

F3P FAI: 1. Kimmo Kaukoranta 2. Juhani Lauri 3. Pasi Kärppä

Continue reading ‘Results and pictures from Pietarsaari InSkaala F3P-pattern competitions’

F3P Suomen Cup 2008

Information of the Finnish cup competitions in Season 2008. Not all the events are confirmed yet, here is the currently known list:

  • 3.11.2007 F3P Sport – Kuopio FlyInDoor 2007
  • 26.4.2008 F3P-AM Aeromusicals and F3P Sport – Model-Expo 2008 – Messukeskus, Helsinki

Training Event in Kuopio

Training event for RC-aerobatics is held during the Kuopio FlyInDoor 2008 event.

F3A Team Finland is an association to promote precision aerobatics (F3A) in Finland.