Archive for the 'Results' Category

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F3A FC 1/3 21.-22.5.2011 Ruotsinpyhtää Results

First Finnish Championships cup competition was held near the South coast of Finland at Ruotsinpyhtää Ruukki at Loviisa. Weather was sunny but pretty windy and therefore chilly.
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Indoor Finnish CUP 3/4 2010-2011 in Laukkaa

Final results from the third indoor competition at Laukaa.

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F3P Suomen CUP 2/4 Kokkola

F3P winter season 2010-2011 second contest was held in Kokkola Kippari-halli.

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F3P Suomen CUP 1/4 Lahti

F3P winter season 2010-2011 first contest was held in Lahti Suurhalli.

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Final results of season 2010

Final results of the competitions of Season 2010.

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Fourth competion of the season in Hämeenkyrö

Fourth and the last competition of the 2010 season was flown in Hämeenkyrö on August 14.-15.

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Third competition of the season in Oulu

Results from third competition held in Oulu.
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Osakilpailu 2/4 Turussa

Final results of the second national championships:

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F3A SM 1/4 Ruotsinpyhtää

Because of the very bad weather conditions saturday’s competitions was cancelled. Cloud height was around 200m and worst measured wind about 16m/s. Finally, sunday afternoon weather was better and three three rounds was compleated after hard waiting.

Final results of the first national championships:

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The Final Results of F3P season 2009-2010

Fourth winter time competition in ModelExpo 2010

Season’s fourth and last competition was held in Helsinki Messukeskus, ModelExpo 2010.

Final results:

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Third winter time competition in Iittala

The third F3P competition of this season was held in Iittala on March 20th. Below are results of all four classes flown and links to some competition flight videos.

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The second winter season competition in Pietarsaari

Season’s second competition of indoor aerobatics was held in Pietarsaari, 21.11.2009.

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F3P Indoor Results, Eerikkilä FlyIndoor ’09

Results from the first competition of indoor aerobatics Finnish Cup 2010. Due to tight schedule only two rounds were flown in Sport, Advanced and Aeromusical classes. In FAI class all three rounds were flown and two best rounds were taken into account to final results in below.

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F3A World Championships 2009, Pombal, Portugal – Aug 29th – Finals

Ranska vie kaiken: veljekset Christophe & Benoit Paysant-LeRoux ensimmäinen ja toinen! Joukkuekulta Ranskaan! Christophe viisinkertainen mestari (1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 ja 2009)!




Tuntemattomat ohjelmat:

unknown11 unknown21

18.-19.7.2009 – F3A Väst Gothenburg

Finnish team members visited the Swedish F3A championships on their way to the Nordic championships in Grenå Denmark. Two finnish FAI pilots, Antti Aho-Mantila and Lassi Nurila, as well as one Nordic pilot, Raimo Ruokonen, took part in the competition. There were altogether 14 pilots in FAI and 7 in Nordic class.
Weather conditions were mostly windy and rainy on both competition days.
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Final results of the Finnish F3A season 2009

The final F3A competition results of season 2009:

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Results of the Hämeenkyrö contest

Results from Hämeenkyrö competition below.

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Silver medal to Finland from the Nordic Championships 2009!

Lassi palkintojen jaossa
Lassi Nurila of Finland has won silver medal from the Nordic Championships 2009 held in Grenå, Denmark July 22.-25th.

Congratulations to Lassi! Hyvä Suomi!
Lassi Integral-koneensa kanssa

F3A SM 3/4 Oulu

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