Archive for the 'Events' Category

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F3A SM & Cup 3/4 2003, Oulu

Results from the 2003 Finnish Championship and third part of the Cup series. The results of the Cup competition were also results of the Finnish Championship competition, except two Swedish competitors were not taken into account.

Pictures and reportage at

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Bulletin, F3A Cup 4/4 2003, Jämi

Bulletin for the last championship competition in Jämi on September 6-7. The complete version of the bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

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WC 2003: At the Practise Site

There was enought time to practise before the competition started. Pictures by Tuomas Tanska.

WC 2003: Travelling

The team travelled to Poland by car through Baltic coutries. Pictures by Tuomas Tanska.

F3A Cup 2/4 2003, Hämeenkyrö

Results from the second cup competition of the year 2003. Pictures and reportage at home page of Raimo Ruokonen
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NC 2003: Day 4 – Sunday

Cloud base did not lift properly and we saw mostly just showflying today.

F3A-FAI 4th preliminary or finals could not be flown, so end results are based on 3 preliminary rounds. According to them, OLA FREMMING IS NOW FIVE TIMES NORDIC CHAMPION!!! Congratulations on the behalf of organisers!

After Fremming, there were two swedes; Bernt Olsson and Anders Johansson. Swedish Teamwork was so good, that they secured the best position among teams by good margin. Well done!

There were two short speeches in prizegiving ceremony held by CD Erkki Haapanen and flightline director Erkko Saviaro. Prizes were hand out and Championships were declared over. What was remaining still was some show flying. Fremming gave marvellous demonstration of smooth precision and control, flying rolling circles with one roll, hammerhead loops and 360 inverted circles with his Synergy. Other show flyers were electrics: 3D- Diablotin, Electric F3A-Midas, indoor bibe and a couple of fast gliders.

Meals at the Jämi Motel and off we go heading home to different directions. Safe journey to all and see you again, flying pattern!

Final results are in here.

F3A NC 2003 Organisers

NC 2003: Day 3 – Saturday

Saturday morning we were supposed to continue with 3rd Nordic round. However the cloud base wasn’t high enough so starting of flights were delayed.

At 1100AM cloud base had lifted somewhat and competition could be continued. However there were still some problems with visibility in high altitudes. But the whole round was completed succesfully.

Next round should have been 4th FAI round, but the ceiling wasn’t still high enough to make all FAI pilots feel comfortable. F3A-Nordic -class does not involve as high-reaching manuevers as F3A-FAI, so the last Nordic round was started instead.

In the afternoon it started to rain and flights were stopped for a couple of hours. Fortunately we were able to finish the last 5 flights before the evening (and banquet). Final F3A-Nordic NC 2003 results can be found the result page.

Congratulations to new Nordic Champion, Pål Westerhaug from Norway!

It must be pointed out that silver medalist, Lassi Nurila is only 16 years old which probably makes him the youngest F3A-Nordic -pilot this high in the scoreboard ever! Good work.

Team results, F3A-Nordic

1. Norway 1000
2. Finland 975
3. Denmark 925
4. Sweden 829

Lets hope we can get enough weather to get the FAI finals running.

NC 2003: Day 2 – Friday

Thursday evening looked certainly promising. Sky cleared up almost the same time as day´s last competition flight was flown. There was even some delightful looking slope gliding action among the F3A-pros flying Zagis and HLGs.Well it was not to be though, as frontal system made morning weather to look almost the same as Thrusday morning. Bad weather unexpectancies most certainly belong to aviation! So basically, if it rains, then you´ll do it in the rain!

Day 2 was opened up by a round of F3A-Nordic. This class is our Scandinavian version meant to lower the difficulty levels somewhat with new pilots in mind. Nordic maneuvers are decided every second year during Nordic Championships, and it happened to be Friday evening here in Jämijärvi that the Nordic routine for the next two years was decided. F3A-FAI gets harder and harder every year, so Nordic might be doing the same…

Material side of the things manifested itself today in form of a few zeros in the scoreboard. There was an inflight engine stoppage and three technical problems in the readybox. High workload associated with retractable landing gear systems is well known to all, and it did claim one of the cancellations today, another one being engine vibration mount failure.

Speaking of retracts, about half of the competitors still used them. With today´s high-powered engines and even decidedly large-diameter, drag-inducing fuselages the need for retracts it not so obvious anymore. But still, they are used so they probably fit to the flying styles of several people.

During yesterdays registration, details of all models were written down, and thus we can offer you a full listing of equipment used by each team, which surely is of interest to everyone. Some statistical analysis will show where we are heading in this class.

Results after Day 2: Fremming leads the way in FAI (did anybody expect anything less?) and Urban Forslöf (SWE) in Nordic. Norwegian team is very strong in Nordic, whereas Swedes have the best team effort in FAI.

NC 2003: Day 1 – Thursday

F3A Nordic Championships started in Jämijärvi, Finland. Conditions were not exactly ideal with brisk wind directly across the flying direction, but lets look at the bright side: it did not rain.
Continue reading ‘NC 2003: Day 1 – Thursday’

Bulletin, F3A SM + Cup 3/4 2003, Oulu

The 2003 Finnish Championship and third Cup competition is held in Oulu on July 26-27. The complete version of the bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

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F3A Cup 1/4 2003, Turku

Results from the first competition of the year 2003. Pictures by Juha Nissi and reportage at home page of Raimo Ruokonen.

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Bulletin, F3A Cup 2/4 2003, Hämeenkyrö

The seconds cup competition is held in Hämeenkyrö on June 14-15. The complete version of the bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

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Bulletin, F3A Cup 1/4 2003, Turku

The first cup competition is held in Turku on May 24-25. The complete version of the bulletin is available in the Finnish version of the post.

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Judge Training 2003

F3A Team Finland organizes a training course for judges at Jämi 5-6 April 2003. The course is intended for judges, pilots and their helpers.

European Championships 2002

European Championships in Zamora, Spain, on September 1-8.Zamorra poster
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F3A SM 4/4 2002, Kokkola

Results from the competition in Kokkola, August 10-11.

FAI tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Tuomas Tanska    981    969    1000    1000    2,981
2. Juha Levaniemi    723    794    786    854    2,434
3. Jens Poikelin    1000    1000    18    –    2,018
4. Juho Karppinen    524    632    685    617    1,935
5. Erkko Saviaro    402    686    677    337    1,765
6. Raimo Ruokonen    397    431    580    456    1,467
7. Kimmo Kaukoranta    38    36    –    –    74

Nordic tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Jani Loikkanen    1000    938    1000    1000    3,000
2. Kimmo Kaukoranta    284    1000    993    995    2,988
3. Lasse Nurila    953    972    966    944    2,891
4. Raimo Ruokonen    774    768    878    843    2,495
5. Juha Nissi    826    –    678    693    2,197

F3A SM 3/4 2002, Paattinen

Results from the competition in Turku.

FAI tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Jens Poikelin    899    1000    1000    1000    3,000
2. Tuomas Tanska    1000    891    951    959    2,910
3. Markus Aaltonen    775    855    783    726    2,413
4. Erkko Saviaro    709    669    654    681    2,059
5. Jussi Ekqvist    672    638    601    637    1,947
6. Jani Loikkanen    468    427    330    547    1,442
7. Raimo Ruokonen    354    414    389    495    1,298
8. Kimmo Kaukoranta    33             33

Nordic tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Markus Aaltonen    1000    1000    1000    980    3,000
2. Kimmo Kaukoranta    857    899    976    1000    2,875
3. Jani Loikkanen    841    839   806    899    2,579
4. Raimo Ruokonen    818    788    819    782    2,425
5. Juha Nissi    616    32    755    863    2,234

F3A SM 2/4 2002, Oulu

The results from the second competition are separated into Finnish championship and Open results since there was two competitors from Sweden.

Open competition:

FAI-Open    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Tommy Stenlund (SWE)    1,000    977    1,000    957   2,977
2. Inge Norberg (SWE)    971    1,000    955    1,000    2,971
3. Jens Poikelin    20    935    955    991    2,881
4. Tuomas Tanska    849    945    956    911    2,813
5. Jussi Kettunen    753    878    805    93    2,436
6. Markus Aaltonen    611    766    631    653    2,051
7. Mikko Eirola    580    452    546    533    1,658
8. Erkko Saviaro    566    623    –    –    1,189
9. Jaakko Viertola    724    –    –    –    724

Finnish Championship:

FAI-SM    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Tuomas Tanska    1000    1000    1000    920    3,000
2. Jens Poikelin    23    989    999    1000    2,989
3. Jussi Kettunen    887    929    842    94    2,658
4. Markus Aaltonen    719    811    660    660    2,190
5. Mikko Eirola    682    478    571    538    1,791
6. Erkko Saviaro    666    659    –    –    1,325
7. Jaakko Viertola    852    –    –    –    852

Nordic tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Markus Aaltonen    946    1,000    976    1,000    2,976
2. Johan Broström (SWE)    1,000    942    1,000    949    2,949
3. Jani Loikkanen    960    936    911    911    2,807
4. Kimmo Kaukoranta    904    855    909    956    2,769
5. Lassi Nurila    32    963    978    801    2,742
6. Raimo Ruokonen    764    674    632    60    2,070
7. Jussi Kakko    597    535    714    608    1,920
8. Juha Nissi    –    –    492    290    782

Bulletin, F3A SM 4/4 2002, Kokkola

Bulletin for the Championship competition in Kokkola. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

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F3A SM 1/4 2002, Hämeenkyrö

Results from the first competition of the year 2002 held in Hämeenkyrö June 8-9.

FAI tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Jens Poikelin    1,000    1,000    1,000    1,000    3000
2. Tuomas Tanska    977    930    929    965    2,872
3. Ari Syrjä    866    831    830    771    2,527
4. Juha Levaniemi    696    860    732    773    2,365
5. Jussi Kettunen    796    740    737    104    2,273
6. Juho Karppinen    746    670    700    710    2,156
7. Markus Aaltonen    777    646    660    681    2,118
8. Erkko Saviaro    633    649   668    672    1,989
9. Jussi Ekqvist    685    619    –    –    1,304

Nordic tulokset    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Markus Aaltonen    1,000   1,000   1,000    1,000   3,000
2. Kimmo Kaukoranta    972    877    936    974    2,881
3. Jani Loikkanen    924    939    883    988    2,851
4. Raimo Ruokonen    845    29    863    807    2,515
5. Lassi Nurila    59    715    735    848    2,299
6. Juha Nissi    145    386    379    –    910

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