Archive for the 'Events' Category

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OtaScale 2006

F3P Sport and Advanced competitions were organised as part of OtaScale event in Otahalli, Espoo.

F3P-Advanced    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3
1. Kimmo Kaukoranta    1,000    1,000    1,000    2,000
2. Jooel Kalmari    827    761    784    1,611
3. Vesa Murtovaara    709    621    817    1,526
4. Erkko Saviaro    397    757    736    1,494

F3P-Sport    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Yhteensä 2/2
1. Sami Nevalainen    1,000    1,000    2,000
2. Raimo Ruokonen    838    1,000    1,838
3. Simo Sihvo    829    881    1,710
4. Eino Korhonen    910    762    1,672
5. Juhana Suhonen    545    752    1,298
6. Cormac Walsh       911    911

Bulletin, F3P-AM Aeromusicals Suomen Cup 2006, Helsinki


Aeromusical competition in Helsinki. More information in the Finnish version of the post.

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F3A SM/Cup 4/4 2005, Jämi

Results from the last competition of the year 2005 held in Jämi on September 10-11. FAI competition was flown with next year’s P-07 program.

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Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 4/4 2005, Jämi

Bulletin for the last championship competition of the season 2005 in Jämi on September 10-11. More details in the Finnish version of the post. Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 4/4 2005, Jämi’

F3A World Championship in France 2005

F3A World Championships were held in Saint-Yan, France on August 20-28.

F3A Team Finland participated in the Championships with a full team of three pilots: Markus Aaltonen, Kimmo Kaukoranta and Jani Loikkanen. Team manager was Raimo Ruokonen and Esa Eirola was a judge. Supporters were Ilona Aaltonen, Eero Aaltonen, Päivi Eirola, Juho Karppinen.

These pages contain lots of pictures from F3A World Championships 2005 taken by Finnish Team. The content was updated almost daily with a new set of fresh images. The discussion and other reports can be found from other sources, such as RC Universe and (in Finnish).

The official homepage of the World championships is the place for results and other general information.

F3A Sport Competition in Seinäjoki

An extra Sport-competition was organised in Seinäjoki on July 31.

Sport    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3
1. Juhani Lauri    1,000    1,000    1,000    2,000
2. Juha Reinikka    881    967    982    1,949
3. Ari-Pekka Puputti    902    824    794    1,726
4. Tomi Kohtanen    716    693    840    1,556
5. Teemu Niemi    756    778    652    1,534
6. Hannu Hölsö    509    647    495    1,156
7. Mikko Sillanterä    317    450    403    853

WC 2005: Finals, Closing Seremony and Banquet

Every pilot flew 4 rounds during the final day of championships, two F-05 known schedules and two different unknown schedules. The World champion was then selected based on the best two rounds. Pictures taken by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Semifinals

Based on the results of preliminary rounds, 30 best pilots continued their competition further. Two F-05 final schedules were flown by every pilot, one for both set of judges. Based on the results the 10 best pilots were selected for finals. Photographs by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Day 4

Wednesday and the fourth and last preliminary round. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2005, Hämeenkyrö

Results from the third competition of the year 2005 held in Hämeenkyrö on August 6-7.

Continue reading ‘F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2005, Hämeenkyrö’

WC 2005: Day 3

The morning was so rainy that the competition was stopped for a couple for hours. When the rain stopped it was already too late to be able to fly all morning flights before afternoon session would start. About one third of flights were postponed to Wednesday. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Day 2

The second preliminary day was flown in similar windy conditions as the first day. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Day1

The first competition day on Sunday was windy. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was held on Saturday afternoon including an air show by French Air Forces. Later in the evening a barbeque was served in the competetition site. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

WC 2005: Practise

The competition didn’t start until Sunday, so there was a couple of free days to practise. Official practises were held on Friday and Saturday. Pictures by Juho Karppinen.

Autumn Meeting 2005 in Jämi

F3A Team has an annual meeting on September 10th in Jämi.

Continue reading ‘Autumn Meeting 2005 in Jämi’

Bulletin, F3A Sport, Seinäjoki

F3A Sport competition in Seinäjoki on July 30-31. More information in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A Sport, Seinäjoki’

Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2005, Hämeenkyrö

Bulletin for the third championship competition in Hämeenkyrö on August 6-7. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2005, Hämeenkyrö’

F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2005, Kokkola

Results from the second competition of the year 2005 held in Kokkola on June 18-19.

FAI SM    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Tuomas Tanska    1,000    1,000    1,000    1,000    3,000
2. Lassi Nurila    942    925    953    991    2,885
3. Jens Poikelin    892    881    972    985    2,849
4. Kimmo Kaukoranta    917    849    932    882    2,731
5. Jani Loikkanen    754    798    865    820    2,483
6. Antti Aho-Mantila    711    742    716    699    2,169
7. Erkko Saviaro    712    575    704    664    2,079

Nordic Cup    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Antti Aho-Mantila    1,000    1,000    1,000    1,000    3,000
2. Timo Huhtamäki    887    849    810    783    2,546
3. Pentti Jalo    786    792    763    714    2,341
4. Jari Lähetkangas    717    742    631    673    2,132
5. Kimmo Kärkinen    600    65    520    482    1,602

Sport Cup    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3
1. Jari Lähetkangas    1,000    1,000    1,000    2,000
2. Teemu Niemi    746       635    1,381

F3A SM/Cup 1/4 2005, Turku

Results from the first competition of the year 2005 held in Paattinen, Turku on May 21-22.

FAI SM    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Jens Poikelin    981    998    989    936    2,968
2. Markus Aaltonen    976    991    1,000    872    2,966
3. Lassi Nurila    931    720    992    1,000    2,923
4. Kimmo Kaukoranta    890    871    863    890    2,650
5. Jani Loikkanen    874    858    836    850    2,582
6. Antti Aho-Mantila    636    682    0    721    2,038
7. Tuomas Tanska    1,000    1,000    0    0    2,000
8. Ari Syrjä    606    547    653    613    1,873

Nordic Cup    Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Kierros 4    Yhteensä 3/4
1. Antti Aho-Mantila    1,000    1,000    1,000    1,000    3,000
2. Kai Korpelainen    730    861    797    853    2,511
3. Pentti Jalo    721    762    837    857    2,457
4. Timo Huhtamäki    695    830    744    831    2,406
5. Iiro Nikkilä    730    786    795    735    2,316

Sport Cup    Yhteensä
1. Jarmo Hellevaara    1,000

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