Archive for the 'Events' Category

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NC 2007 day 3

Two FAI P-07 and one Nordic programs were flown during the second competition day.

NC 2007 day 2

Pictures from the official practice of Nordic Championships 2007. The first FAI round was flown in the afternoon.

NC 2007 day 1

Pictures from the unofficial practice of the Nordic Championships 2007.

NC 2007 day 0

Arrival day and free practise.

Sweden Dominates the Nordic Championships

Finalists.Nordic Championships in Norsjö, northern Sweden, were dominated by Swedish pilots. FAI class was won by David Lundströn. Long-term champion Ola Fremming finished second and Bernt Olson followed in third position.

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Results from F3A SM/Cup 3/4 2007, Kälviä

Sorry, this entry is only available in Finnish.

Bulletin, SM+Cup 3/4 2007, Kokkola

Bulletin for the Championship competition in Kokkola on July 7-8. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

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Results from F3A SM/Cup 2/4 2007, Oulu

Results from the second Finnish Championship competition held in Oulu.

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Results from F3A SM/Cup 1/4 2007, Turku

Results from Finnish Championship competition in Turku. Only one round of Sport-class was flown because of the heavy wind.

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World Championships in Argentina

25th World Championships for Radio Control Aerobatics F3A will be held in Argentina, at the airport Sauce Viejo near the city of Santa Fe.


More information at the official homepages of the Championships

Indoor and Prize-Giving Event in Kuopio

Indoor flying and prize-giving event by Finnish Aviation Association is organised in Kuopio. The preliminary date is November 3rd. The plan is to compete in F3P Sport and F3P-AM Aeromusicals classes.

Bulletin, SM+Cup 2/4 2007, Oulu

Bulletin for Championship competition in Oulu on June 16-17. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, SM+Cup 2/4 2007, Oulu’

NC 2007 – Norsjö

Nordic Championships 2007 are held in Norsjö, Sweden.

Finnish team:

FAI  Nordic
Lassi Nurila
Kimmo Kaukoranta
Jani Loikkanen
(Vapaa) Erkko Saviaro
(Vapaa) Antti Aho-Mantila  Timo Huhtamäki
Kimmo Kärkinen
Jooel Kalmari
(Vapaa)Raimo Ruokonen



Viljandi Spring 2007 – Aerobatics Training Camp

F3A Team Finland organised with Estonian pilots an F3A Sport competition and aerobatics training camp in Viljandi, Estonia.

Check out pictures in gallery and official bulletin for more information.

Bulletin, SM+Cup 1/4 2007, Turku

Bulletin for the first championship competition in Turku on May 19-20. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, SM+Cup 1/4 2007, Turku’

Bulletin, InSkaala 2007

inSkaala is an annual indoor scale model flying event organized by Pietarsaari RC-flying Club (Pietarsaaren Seudun RC-lentäjät). The event is mainly focused on indoor RC scale models but there is a lot of activities around other types of indoor flying. F3P-Sport, Advanced and FAI indoor competitions are flown during the event.

Notice the changed date. The new one is Saturday October 6th. More information at

Expo 2007

Results, pictures and videos from Model-Expo exhibition.

F3P-Sport Cup 2007 1/2   Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3  Tulos
1   Iiro Lehto    1 000    1 000    1 000    2 000    1 000
2   Jani Sipponen    919    1 000    978    1 978    989
3   Raimo Ruokonen    791    958    935    1 893    946
4   Jarkko Hyttinen    899    825    906    1 804    902
5   Joonas Kähkönen    757    839    710    1 596    798
6   Lauri Pitkäniemi    770    762    819    1 589    795
7  Mika Hämäläinen    757    608    732    1 489    744
8   Juhana Suhonen    642    685    775    1 461    730

F3P-AM Cup 2007 1/2   Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3  Tulos
1   Pasi Kärppä    1 000    1 000    1 000    2 000    1 000
2   Kimmo Kaukoranta    992    939    920    1 931    966
3   Topi Korhonen       934    948    1 882    941
4   Jooel Kalmari    887    887    990    1 877    938

Results from ManseFlyIndoor

F3P-Aeromusical competition was organised in Pirkkahalli, Tampere.

F3P-AM Cup 2006 2/2   Kierros 1    Kierros 2    Kierros 3    Yhteensä 2/3
1. Jooel Kalmari    363    1,000    1,000    2,000
2. Kimmo Kaukoranta    1,000    975    954    1,975
3. Mikko Lehto    553    677    738    1,414
4. Pasi Kärppä    800    807    756    1,607
5. Topi Korhonen    712    736    751    1,487

ManseFlyIndoor 2006

ManseFlyIndoor was the biggest indoor happening in 2004 with over 100 pilots and this year it’s going to be even bigger. In addition to F3P-AM You will have plenty of oppotunities to just fly for fun and to participate in other competitions like indoor combat, pylon, scale, etc. There will also be some free flight competitions (F1D, F1M in the morning) and Ilmailuliitto will present the awards for the Finnish Championships in all aeromodelling classes in the evening. Only one day but around 10 hours of RC-flying.

More information at

Freestyle Competition at Model Expo 2007

ModelExpo 2007 is the biggest modeling exhibition in Finland and there will be one hall dedicated to indoor flying. The exhibition will be from Friday to Sunday and the F3P-AM competition will take place on Saturday. More information about the contest later.

There will be other competitions and shows as well during the event held at Helsinki Fair Centre from March 30th to April 1st. More information at

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