Archive for the 'F3A-Nordic' Category

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F3A SM 1/4 Ruotsinpyhtää

Because of the very bad weather conditions saturday’s competitions was cancelled. Cloud height was around 200m and worst measured wind about 16m/s. Finally, sunday afternoon weather was better and three three rounds was compleated after hard waiting.

Final results of the first national championships:

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F3A Competition in Hämeenkyrö

The fourth and last competition of the 2010 F3A season is held in Hämeenkyrö airfield (near Tampere).


International competitors are most welcome to all of the F3A aerobatic and F3P indoor aerobatic competitions organized in Finland! Since most of the info here is in Finnish only, please contact either the contest organizers or someone from the contacts list for further info in english if You are interested in participating one of the events. Welcome! Naturally foreign competitors will not be counted to the Finnish championship cup results at the end of the season.

F3A Competition in Oulu

The third competition of the 2010 F3A season is held in Ahmosuo airfield in Oulu.


F3A Competition in Turku

The second competition of the 2010 F3A season is held in Paattinen near Turku

F3A Competition in Ruotsinpyhtää

The first competition of the 2010 F3A season is held in Ruotsinpyhtää.

Training camp in Viljandi, Estonia

Traditional spring training camp in Viljandi Estonia is held on May 15-16.

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18.-19.7.2009 – F3A Väst Gothenburg

Finnish team members visited the Swedish F3A championships on their way to the Nordic championships in Grenå Denmark. Two finnish FAI pilots, Antti Aho-Mantila and Lassi Nurila, as well as one Nordic pilot, Raimo Ruokonen, took part in the competition. There were altogether 14 pilots in FAI and 7 in Nordic class.
Weather conditions were mostly windy and rainy on both competition days.
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Final results of the Finnish F3A season 2009

The final F3A competition results of season 2009:

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Results of the Hämeenkyrö contest

Results from Hämeenkyrö competition below.

Continue reading ‘Results of the Hämeenkyrö contest’

F3A Nordic Championships 2010 Aftermatch

Pictures from Nordic championships with commentary in Finnish only. Continue reading ‘F3A Nordic Championships 2010 Aftermatch’

F3A SM 3/4 Oulu

Continue reading ‘F3A SM 3/4 Oulu’

F3A SM 2/4 Kuopio

Second Finnish Championships cup competition was held on June 27th-28th in hot and sunny Kuopio. Results:

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F3A SM 1/4 Ruotsinpyhtää

F3A team Finland arranged May 16th to 17th the seasons’ first F3A competition at Ruotsinpyhtää model airplane field. Results:
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F3A SM 4/4 2009 Hämeenkyrö

Last competition of 2009 season will be held in Hämeenkyrö on August 15th-16th

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F3A SM 3/4 2009 Oulu

Third competition of 2009 season will be held in Oulu on weekend July 11th to 12th .
Bulletin in finnish[.doc]

F3A SM 2/4 2009 Kuopio

Second competition of season 2009 will be held in Kuopio 27.-28.6.2009

F3A SM 1/4 2009 Ruotsinpyhtää

First competition of 2009 season will be held on May 16th to 17th in Ruotsinpyhtää.

F3A Nordic Championships 2009, Grenaa Denmark

The date for the Nordic Championships has been confirmed for July 22th-26th 2009.

Competition homepages

Bulletin 1

Bulletin 2

F3A SM 2/3 2008 Oulu

The second Finnish Championship competition was held in Oulu. Classes, timetable etc. are available in the finnish bulletin.

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F3A Training Camp in Turku

A F3A training event was held in Turku.
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