Archive for the 'F3A-FAI' Category

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F3A SM 3/4 2009 Oulu

Third competition of 2009 season will be held in Oulu on weekend July 11th to 12th .
Bulletin in finnish[.doc]

F3A SM 2/4 2009 Kuopio

Second competition of season 2009 will be held in Kuopio 27.-28.6.2009

F3A SM 1/4 2009 Ruotsinpyhtää

First competition of 2009 season will be held on May 16th to 17th in Ruotsinpyhtää.

Old Engines

Pictures of aeromodel engines starting from 70’s.

World Championships in Portugal 2009

25th F3A world championships will be held in Pombal Portugal on 21th to
Competition homepage

Preliminary information

Pombal 2009 logo

F3A Nordic Championships 2009, Grenaa Denmark

The date for the Nordic Championships has been confirmed for July 22th-26th 2009.

Competition homepages

Bulletin 1

Bulletin 2

F3A SM 2/3 2008 Oulu

The second Finnish Championship competition was held in Oulu. Classes, timetable etc. are available in the finnish bulletin.

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F3A European Championships 2008

The 14th European Championships in F3A Radio-controlled aerobatics are organized in Calcinatello di Calcinato, Italy 23.-31.8.2008. Aeromodelling site called ”Casa Bianca” is located  7  km away from the shore of the beautiful Garda lake, 5 km west of the city of Brescia.

Bulletin 3 PDF

Bulletin 1 PDF

Bulletin 0 PDF

F3A Training Camp in Turku

A F3A training event was held in Turku.
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F3A SM 1/3 2008 Kuopio

Kuopion lennokkikerho organised the first F3A Finnish Championship competition of the season 2008 in Kuopio.

The Kuopio club was arranging F3A competition for the first time, but this was hard to notice as the organisation worked like a swiss watch. The competition was propably the biggest national F3A event ever arranged in Finland. There were altogether 24 competitors flying during the weekend. Competition was held on Saturday in mild wind, but the wind got stronger on Sunday. Results below.

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Bulletin, F3A SM 3/3 2008 Hämeenkyrö

The last Finnish Championship competition of the season 2008 is organised by Tampereen RC-lentäjät in Hämeenkyrö airport.

Invitation: PDF

Bulletin, SM+Cup 4/4 2007, Hämeenkyrö

Bulletin for the Championship competition in Hämeenkyrö on August 18-19. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

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NC 2007 day 0

Arrival day and free practise.

Bulletin, SM+Cup 3/4 2007, Kokkola

Bulletin for the Championship competition in Kokkola on July 7-8. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, SM+Cup 3/4 2007, Kokkola’

World Championships in Argentina

25th World Championships for Radio Control Aerobatics F3A will be held in Argentina, at the airport Sauce Viejo near the city of Santa Fe.


More information at the official homepages of the Championships

Bulletin, SM+Cup 2/4 2007, Oulu

Bulletin for Championship competition in Oulu on June 16-17. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, SM+Cup 2/4 2007, Oulu’

NC 2007 – Norsjö

Nordic Championships 2007 are held in Norsjö, Sweden.

Finnish team:

FAI  Nordic
Lassi Nurila
Kimmo Kaukoranta
Jani Loikkanen
(Vapaa) Erkko Saviaro
(Vapaa) Antti Aho-Mantila  Timo Huhtamäki
Kimmo Kärkinen
Jooel Kalmari
(Vapaa)Raimo Ruokonen



Bulletin, SM+Cup 1/4 2007, Turku

Bulletin for the first championship competition in Turku on May 19-20. More details in the Finnish version of the post.

Continue reading ‘Bulletin, SM+Cup 1/4 2007, Turku’

F3A European Championship in Switzerland 2006

13th F3A European Championship was held at Buochs (near Luzern) in Switzerland, from August 26th to 2nd of September 2006.

F3A Team Finland participated in the Championships with a team of two pilots, Kimmo Kaukoranta and Lassi Nurila, and team manager Juho Karppinen. We provided some “live” coverage from the location in means of pictures and stories.

The official homepage of the Championships is a reference point for all official information such as bulletins and results. Other places for discussion are for example (in Finnish) and RCUniverse. If you have a good link to add here, please drop an e-mail [email: juho.karppinen #AT# ] or use contact form.

EC 2006 – Day 1

The first competition day was flown on Sunday in rainy conditions. It was raining practically the whole day but clouds were high and didn’t cause much troubles for competition. The day was completed almost in schedule but everything was soaking wet and the field had turned into mud. The weather forecast doesn’t expect better conditions until Thursday. Photographer was Juho Karppinen.

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