Yearly Archive for 2013

Competition dates for 2014

First competition will be held in Piikajärvi airfield.

Invitation: PDF

Instructions on moving in the site: PDF

F3A European Championship 2013, Liechtenstein

F3A Europeanchampionships will be organized in Liechtenstein July 11th trough July 19th, 2014:

HML FlyIndoor 2013 – F3P Sport and Advanced SC 2/2014

F3P Sport and Advanced Finnish Cup 2/2014 saturday november 2nd, time 10-17

Plane: Säästöpankkiareena, Hämeenlinna (HML Flyindoor 2013 -event)
  • F3P Sport and Advanced competition SC 2/2014
  • F3P FAI new schedules AP-15 ja AF-15 practice
  • F3P-AFM aeromusicals show

More info: Kimmo Kaukoranta, [email: kimmo.kaukoranta #AT# ], 050 301 8896


InScale 2013 – F3P Sport and Advanced SC 1/2014

F3P Sport and Advanced Finnish Cup 1/2014 saturday october 26th, time 10-17

Place: Tellushalli, Pietarsaari (InSkaala 2013 -event)
  • F3P Sport and Advanced competition SC 1/2014
  • F3P FAI new schedules AP-15 ja AF-15 practice
More info: Erkko Saviaro, 0505812592

Some articles added

Added some articles (in Finnish) to the site. Reports from F3A and F3P world championships 2013, more to be added later.

Competition 4/4 2013, Hämeenkyrö

The fouth and last competition of the F3A season 2013 was flown in Hämeenkyrö airfield on august 31st – september 1st. Saturday had nice but windy weather, but sunday we had a low clouds and some rain.


Continue reading ‘Competition 4/4 2013, Hämeenkyrö’

Lassi Nurila 11th at the F3A World Championships in South-Africa!

Lassi Nurila has placed 11th at the F3A World Championships in South-Africa. His placing is the highest achieved by a Finish pilot in the history of the sport since the first world championships in 1960. Lassi is also 7 time Finnish champion and 2 time Nordic champion.

Continue reading ‘Lassi Nurila 11th at the F3A World Championships in South-Africa!’

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