Team’s autumn meeting was held at Jämi airport on September 23th. Raimo Ruokonen took some pictures after the meeting at nearby Hämeenkyrö airport.
Team’s autumn meeting was held at Jämi airport on September 23th. Raimo Ruokonen took some pictures after the meeting at nearby Hämeenkyrö airport.
There were four championship competitions during the season 2000 from which three best were counted into final results. Since only three competitions received enought participation for Finnish championship title requirements and the results from the Räyskälä were left out, all remaning results were counted together.
The last competition of season 2000 in Hämeenkyrö on September 12-13.
Some pictures taken by Raimo Ruokonen.
Third competition was organized during the Pääsky week in Räyskälä July 8th. Unfortunately there wan’t enough participants to meet the Finnish championship requirements (minimum 7 participants) so the competition will not be counted into championships results.
F3A SM2, Oulu 17.-18.6.2000.
Pictures by Raimo Ruokonen and Esa Eirola.
The first competition of season 2000, in Piikajärvi on May 27th.
Pictures are taken by Raimo Ruokonen.